Emerging Leaders

Equipping emerging leaders for next-level challenges

We partner with organizations across the globe to design and execute innovative, cohort-based coaching programs for leaders focused on driving impact from the individual participant level down to their matrixed teams and up through top leadership, enabling individual leadership development and an enterprise transformation.

The ExCo Group has developed unique programs to accelerate development of underrepresented leaders.

Emerging Leaders-ExCo

Matrix Team Engagement + Execution Coaching + Transformation + Leadership Impact

How We Do It

Our framework is customized to every engagement
based on the objectives of the enterprise.

how we do it-ExCo

Setting the tone for the initiative through a combination of outside-in content and company-specific material that is set in the context of what is required of leaders to execute against the company’s strategy

Defining Success

Understanding the enterprise goals for the initiative, whether they be strategic, operational, cultural, or most notably, leadership focused.

Tailored 1:1 Coaching for participants

We match each participant with an ExCo Group coach who is a former CEO or global business leader. They will work together around the individual and enterprise development needs.

Sponsorship Sessions

Facilitating sessions between sponsors and protégés to make the most of their relationships.

Community Sessions

Throughout the cohort, participants, sponsors and leadership will engage in group coaching sessions to build a community among the cohort and extended network.

Depending on the needs of the individuals and
enterprise, our process may include:

Content Specialists

Our Impact